Morphology, life from the inside out – Pâques 2025

Dessin modèle vivant
Amphithéâtre de Morphologie
+16 years old / all levels
475 €
Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm - 1 hour break for lunch


From april 14 to april 18, 2024
Remaining seats : 18/25
Plein tarif
18 places disponibles
475,00  Quantité
Tarif réduit*
0 places disponibles
300,00  Quantité Complet

The aim of this course is to understand bone structure, muscular mechanics, tissues and joints, so as to be able to draw each of the forms of the human body in relation to the others, in a way that is both lively and harmonious.

The course offers an opportunity to perfect your morphological drawing skills, to analyse muscular masses and see how they balance in the body. Through careful observation of live models, the student learns to detect the nuances of different morphological types and to feel the path of the muscles under the skin, so as to ‘draw from the inside’ and sculpt in an expressive way. Knowledge of morphology will help to understand the smallest folds, each of the volumes, hollows and indentations that make up our bodies, enabling us to arrange these shapes in relation to each other in an intelligent and, above all, credible way.

Material to be provided by the trainee (list communicated at registration).

The course is taught in French. 

More information about the teacher



  • Maja Wisniewska