Drawing plants – Easter 2025

Dessiner le végétal
Beaux-Arts de Paris (Saint-Germain)
+16 years / all levels
475 €
Tuesday to Friday, 10am to 5pm - 1h break for lunch


Course from 22 to 25 April 2025
Remaining seats : 9/14
Plein tarif
6 places disponibles
475,00  Quantité
Tarif réduit*
3 places disponibles
300,00  Quantité

We will learn to use a variety of dry techniques (coloured pencil, paper crayon, dry pastel, pens and felt-tips) in our drawings,
pens and felt-tips) with the primary aim of observational drawing. Then, in a second phase, we’ll see how plants can become motifs and materials to create a rich graphic and decorative universe. By the end of the course, we’ll have learnt to take a fresh look at the living world, to tell its story in a different way through drawing, from the most intriguing, playful and contemporary angles.
As well as observational drawing, which will be common to all, each participant will be encouraged to develop a personal graphic approach to plants.

Material to be provided by the trainee (list given on registration).

More information about the teacher


  • Chloé Vanderstraeten