Modeling from a live model in Saint-Ouen

Espace NABA Saint-Ouen
+16 years old / all levels
650 €
Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm - 1 hour break for lunch


From July 10 to July 14, 2023
Remaining seats : 14/14

The aim of the course is to learn to sculpt the human figure from a model, and to begin to transfer these skills to more free and personal work.

The day is divided into two modules: in the morning, 3 hours of modelling from a human model and in the afternoon, 2 hours of more free modelling where the students try to transfer the experience acquired in the morning into a more personal project, still centred on the human figure, by choosing for example a figure in a painting or drawing to be reproduced in volume or bas-relief. In this second part, the students are freer, with the teacher focusing on each one individually and giving advice and exercises based on their level and evolution during the week.

The material will be provided by the school.


More information about the teacher


Photo : Zoé Bernardi


  • Hugo Guérin