Advanced morphology drawing (2 hours on Mondays) autumn

Dessin, morphologie avancée
Beaux-Arts de Paris (Saint-Germain)
+ over 16 / confirmed
408 €
12 lessons of 2 hours on Mondays from 7pm


09 September 2024 to 30 November 2024
Remaining seats : 0/26

Analyse shapes based on live models. Learn about bone structure, muscular mechanics, tissues and joints, so that you can arrange each of the shapes of the human body in relation to the others in a harmonious way. This course is aimed at amateurs who have already acquired a good command of drawing.

Three main themes: Structure, through graphic analysis of volumes, muscle and fat masses. Understanding each of the small volumes, hollows, grooves, folds and protrusions that make up our body, so that we can arrange them in an intelligent and credible way in relation to each other. Nuance, awakening both the eye and the mind to nuances, to flow, to what is in suspense, to achieve a certain balance between technique and emotion.

Equipment to be provided by the trainee (list given on registration).


More information about the teacher


Photo credit: Adrien Thibault

Practical information

Pdf file (FR)



* Reduced rate within the limits of the seats available at this rate and applicable on presentation of a proof of less than 3 months for job seekers. Students must present a school certificate. One price for teenage classes.


  • Maja Wisniewska