Live Model Drawing – Easter 2025

Dessin modèle vivant
Beaux-Arts de Paris (Saint-Germain)
+ 16 years / all levels
475 €
Tuesday to Friday, 10am to 5pm - 1h break for lunch


Course from 22 to 25 April 2025
Remaining seats : 19/25
Plein tarif
16 places disponibles
475,00  Quantité
Tarif réduit*
3 places disponibles
300,00  Quantité

The workshop invites students to take an artistic journey, another time to learn, to perfect their skills and to explore the representation of the live model by using the senses to good effect:
– Vision: stimulating the eye to memorise and observe form, structure, distance, light intensity, colour, black and white.
– Touch: hold a pencil with varying degrees of pressure to explore the full range of greys, use the right amount of touch to apply and diffuse charcoal by brushing against the paper.
– Balance: understanding body movements and orientation in space, speed and gravity.
During this course, we meet the living model, that other person who, through his or her personality and posture, allows each of us to grasp the space of the quick sketch to capture the essential, but also a fleeting movement in the bend of a dance or a longer pose for a large format.
Life in the studio is not devoid of convivial exchanges around the productions, accompanied by classical or contemporary artistic references as well as current artistic events.

Participants must bring their own equipment (list sent after registration).

Plus d’informations sur l’enseignante


  • Maryline Genest