Modelling from a live model – Saint-Ouen

Beaux-Arts de Paris (Saint-Ouen)
+16 years / all levels
Tuesday to Friday, 10am to 5pm - 1h break for lunch


Course from 22 to 25 April 2025
Remaining seats : 7/15
Plein tarif
7 places disponibles
650,00  Quantité
Tarif réduit*
0 places disponibles
400,00  Quantité Complet

Learning to ‘see’ the form of the model and mastering the material to reproduce it are the two main elements that participants will be confronted with during this course. Using live model poses, they will learn how to view the human figure as a set of abstract forms that can be easily synthesised and sculpted in clay.
Hugo Guérin 10am to 1pm – 2pm to 5pm 650€/400€* All levels

Materials provided by the School.

More information from the teacher


  • Hugo Guérin