TEEN Observe and draw (afternoon) – Pâques 2025

ados cours dessin 3
Salle de séminaire
13-16 years
200 €
Monday to Friday, 13.30am to 16pm


Course from 14 to 18 April 2025
Remaining seats : 7/14
7 places disponibles
200,00  Quantité

The aim of this course is to introduce participants to all aspects of observational drawing. To be able to represent the smallest object, trace the architecture of a building or transcribe the movement of a body, each session will focus on a specific case study and will provide the keys to observation needed to construct a drawing. Sharpen your eye to transcribe what’s in front of you onto paper, by discovering a variety of techniques adapted to each subject.

Materials provided by the School.

Classes will be taught in French.

More information about the teacher


  • Lenny Rébéré