Draped, the naked body, the clothed body – summer 2024

Le corps nu, le corps habillé/drapé
Beaux-Arts de Paris (Saint-Germain)
+16 years / all levels
475 €
1 week from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a 1-hour lunch break


Course from 08 to 12 July 2024
Remaining seats : 0/17

You will be invited to carry out observation and construction exercises to understand the body and its dynamics while exploring different techniques. The fabric or ‘drape’ will enable you to experiment with modelling, volume and folds, while several fabrics will allow you to feel the different falls, transparency and fluidity. References and sketches by classical and contemporary artists will accompany your experiments.
Our objectives are to consider the body and the fabric as inseparable, but also as independent, to understand and organise the space of the body and the body of the fabric.
The clothed body, sometimes an envelope, sometimes an attribute, provides an insight into characters, individuals and their society.

Material to be provided by the student (list given on registration).
Courses are taught in French.

More information about the teacher


  • Maryline Genest