Live model painting – Oil (4 hours on Tuesdays) Spring

peinture couleur jaune
Atelier des loges
+ 16 ans / tous niveaux – maîtrise du dessin conseillée
816 €
12 lessons of 4 hours on Tuesdays from 2pm to 6pm


Spring session: from 11 March to 15 June 2024
Remaining seats : 13/13

Teaching of oil painting by practising the representation of the living model, in order to acquire the pictorial bases or to widen one’s technique.

Human representation, with its demand for accurate proportions, its appreciation of values and its search for expressiveness, offers an inexhaustible source of possibilities for approaching painting.

Touch, colour, drawing, form/counter-form, painted sketches, light, impasto, context: all the technical and sensitive aspects are covered.
The oil technique, with its supple modelling and slow drying, allows students to revisit and correct their studies during painting sessions, improving their practice and their perception of reality.

Painting teaches us to look. This course requires some knowledge of life drawing.

You will need to bring your own equipment (a list will be sent to you when you enrol).

*Courses will be suspended during the spring holidays from 15 April to 20 April 2024 and the week of 06 to 12 May 2024.

More information about the teacher

Practical information

Pdf file (FR)



* Reduced rate within the limits of the seats available at this rate and applicable on presentation of a proof of less than 3 months for job seekers. Students must present a school certificate. One price for teenage classes.


  • Gilles Marrey