Painting: representation and figuration

Peinture : représentation et figuration
Salle de dessin
+16 years old / all levels
475 €
Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm - 1 hour break for lunch


From July 17 to July 21, 2023
Remaining seats : 14/14

The course is based on a reflection between representation and figuration. Observation plays an important role in the progression of the course, through the perception of the living model. It combines the learning of the fundamentals of water-based techniques with the development of a creative and singular pictorial practice and towards the elaboration of a more personal and sensitive approach. At the end of the course, the aim is to consider the model as the subject of representation, the object of the gaze. To see is to receive the visible, rather than to judge it in a desire to control it, to seize the form before oneself and to construct a singular figure.

Material to be provided by the trainee (list communicated at registration).


More information about the teacher


Photo: Zoe Bernardi


  • Antoine Bénard