TEENS Models: imaginary microcosms – summer 2024

photo d'une maquette
Beaux-Arts de Paris (Saint-Germain)
13-16 years
400 €
Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. - 1-hour lunch break


Course from 01 to 05 July 2024
Remaining seats : 0/16

The model is a small world, a small place that models a space that allows for all sorts of fantasies and excesses. It’s a place of projections where anything can become, where fiction can be inserted, where the impossible can become possible.

Young people will be encouraged to travel and explore the recesses of their imagination. Working from a memory of a place that is important to them, they will be able to transform, restrict and alter it at will so that it becomes, through the model, their own world.

Materials provided by the School.


  • Maxime Verdier